If you are in crisis, or know someone who needs help, contact the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline NOW at 1-800-273-8255 www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Warning: these articles may contain triggering content for those who are dealing with self harm and/or suicidal thoughts.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Main webpage.
How to help the urge to self harm. Coping tips for in the moment.
How to stop cutting; resisting the urge. Short term and long term strategies.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Self-harm. What is self-harm? Why do people self-harm? Treatment and coping. How to help someone who self-harms.
Self-harm. What is self-harm? Types of self-harm. Symptoms of self-harm. Dealing with the urge. Why do people self-harm? Physical and social effects. Recovering from self-harm.
The truth about self-harm. What is self-harm? Who does it and why? Breaking down myths. Getting help. Recovery. Helping others dealing with self-harm. Extra resources and information. Dealing with the urge to self-harm.